Tag Archives: kindle

Obviously Pregnant???

devilTimid Readers, Please do not let the image of the devil scare you. We just post that to focus the attention on good things which have been turned to evil.
Like the Bible.
On Christmas Eve, Michael Hendrick reportedly attended a function to celebrate the spiritual holiday. The highlight was the host telling a story as it was described. The ‘story’ was the saga of the birth of Christ. It may have deserved a better designation than ‘story’but when the Bible is read from a Kindle or an I-Pad,  it stops being the Word of God.
According to the E-Bible, Mary was not with child as we have been taught these many years. No, now we learn that the Mother of the Christ was not ‘with child’ but she was obviously pregnant.
The first definition of ‘pregnant’in Merriam Webster is ‘cogent,’ meaning…: very clear and easy for the mind to accept and believe ~ or we can look at meaning One – having power to compel or constrain.. The word ‘obviously’ is not one which even appears in the Bible. The first known use of the word ‘obvious’ occurred in 1603…confusing? fuck, yeah!

So what are they doing to the message of the Living Christ which was put in text for good reason? We do not know. It is subversive and changes the way today’s so-called christians look at the scripture. A true Christian would protect the Word of God…what would YOU do?

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Obama Keeps USA In The Dark; No K2, No Medical Marijuana, Ban on Lightbulbs – The Voice of the Shroomed

     Appreciated Afficionados and Literate Bums,

     This was not meant to be a post about what is on television, however last evening saw the premiere of Showtime’s Shameless, a bald-faced ripoff of the successful British series and a blemish on the the career of asteemed-until-now actor, William Macy. I think Macy had a middle initial but for such blatant lack of artistic vision, he does not deserve his full name on the CFYSA blogsite.

     The latest season of the REAL Shameless series is about to unfold on UK television and the American version is so un-original as to be a complete insult. There is no way that the British actors, who breathed life into the series characters, can  be equalled by those in the Showtime series. Why bother? If the show is a hit and rights could be bought, why not just sell the REAL version to the unsuspecting, culture-deprived American audience. We at CFYSA, suspect that this has something to do with subliminal cues which American advertisers and government agencies slip into what we watch to brainwash us. If people enjoy the British version, they do not get the proper programming which National Security uses to keep the poor un-informed and prone to the whims of corrupt media that controls the core thought process of the US.

     For the spooks in power, it would have been a missed opportunity to gradually convince us into accepting less and less of the Rights which are the bane of the current, corrupt batch of politicians who run your life without asking your opinion. It would have been like missing the chance to start a national ban on 100-watt lightbulbs.

     In mushroom country, the joke is ‘they feed us shit and keep us in the dark.’ For the rest of the country, it is not a joke. The phony drug war claimed a few dozen lives last weekend. The focus of it all, despite the numerous lives lost, ended up focusing on Rep. Giffords. When a person takes a place in government, they supposedly offer their lives to protect the ideals upon which this country was formed. If a politician like Gifford is instrumental in the enforcement of policies which nobody wants and which irks the Mexican Syndicate, it is expected for her to be shot. It is her job. She is paid well for it, much more than you or I will make in a year.

     There is no reason for sympathy for a person who is injured or dies in the line of a service which is corrupt and serves only to foster future war, violence and economic disaster. Cry for the innocent…if it were not for Obama and Giffords trying to enforce policy that the head of the DEA calls ‘impossible,’ she would not have taken the shot she had coming as a risk of perpetuating war. If anybody should be shot, it should be a public person…not a baby.

     She and her followers need to ‘suck it up’ and accept it as a part of holding office. The national weepfest over her pretty face is uncalled for. She asked for it when she took the office. She made a target of herself, quite idiotically, on the 114 mile war zone she insisted on commmanding. No tears for pols. Not even the Kennedys, who were equally as corrupt with their booze running and organized crime affiliations.

     The current body of legislators who are trying to ruin the quality of life in this once-great Union have it coming. They keep us in the dark by banning anything which may make us think outside the box, or, in other words, think for ourselves. Many young black men are shot in the US everyday of the year and nobody is seen shedding a tear on CNN.

    Similarly, a new boon to organized crime, in the form of synthetic cannibinoids, K2 or Spice, was derailed by the Thought Police. While they may be quasi-illegal, terrorists and criminals are making a mint selling them, even though a unique ‘ban’ has been placed on them. The federal and state governments lose money, the elected officials who run these legislature get rich on kickbacks and we are happily kept quite thanks to lack of knowledge of fact regarding these substances…or shall we say, “KEPT IN THE DARK”.

     More astounding is the recently-announced National Ban on 100-watt lightbulbs. A very slick move, since it disrupts much more than american bulb companies making a profit. We probably have a free trade contract with India to import bulbs from them so they can own a bigger slice of the American Dream while students and hard-working citizens are deprived of more and more as weeks go by. With less light, it is harder to read books and non-propagandized materials. You can still read on Kindle, but the net allows for subliminal cues which cannot be tracked in the absense of ‘hard copy’. Books hold the truth, in many cases, and so they are dangerous to our government.

     In the 60s, our hero, Bob Dylan, said something to the affect of ‘keep a clean mind and always carry a lightbulb.’ At the time, it was looked upon as a pouty piece of pop puffery and a clever bit to make people think. It takes on a whole new meaning in the world where we worry more about lightbulbs than about the standard of life of the people of the USA. About 20 years later, he recorded a song which presciently noted, We used to frow food in Kansas, now we grow it on the moon and eat it raw. I can see the day coming when even your home garden will be against the law…and what do you know? Some factions in this country ARE trying to make home gardens illegal.

     My land is my fucking land, if you will pardon the expression, Gentle Readers, and I should we allowed to grow what I want on it, even if it is only tomatoes.

     Your Rights are being taken away from you like a schmuck at a game of three-card-monte…you do not see it coming and all of a sudden, you have nothing left. That is the landscape of our modern attempt at democracy. The only difference is, in three-card-monte, we do not elect street hustlers to rob us with sleight of hand. In the case of modern-day america – we elect and pay the hustlers. In monte, the crook folds up his table and vanishes when he has taken his hapless victim for all they have. In our government, they take all your cash and then tell you that you need to give more…or else!!!

     Please do not live in the dark. Wake up America. Even Bill Maher is starting to make sense again and that is one pathetic circumstance.

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