Tag Archives: greed

The Ellensburg Other ~ The Air Is Killing Us!


Dateline Ellensburg, WA…

The local newspaper, The Daily Record, reported Thursday that Kittitas County is ‘working to address air quality’ in the area. The headline may as well have read that ‘the county is reckoning on commencing to beginning to start cleaning up the air here’. A smaller caption read ‘State, Local Officials trying to avoid federal involvement.’ At the bottom of the page, it is noted that Ellensburg has been ranked as one of the most polluted areas in the state since 2012.
Holly Myers, spokeswoman for the County Health Department, noted that if the federales send in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) they will measure pollutants properly, “If it (the EPA) measured for the lower health sensitive level, that would mean industrial permits would go down and it would be costly to business in the area.

A spokesperson for the Washington Department of Ecology, Sue Billings, says that if the EPA came in to fix the air quality ‘it would give Kittitas County a negative image…This kind of thing gets into the AARP and tourist magazines and the community gets a stigma…’

Let us condense the above information into a consumable ‘byte’…Kittitas County and Washington State health officials are ignoring a dangerous health issue for years because they value business over people’s lives.
Considering that all businesses run off the backs of people, taking the side of business on this issue is more than a little irresponsible.

When this writer moved to the county, we first consulted websites which give information to people who are moving or planning vacations, etc. Sperling’s Best Places said (and probably still does) that Ellensburg has air quality that is 98.5% pure!!! The officials are more concerned with glossing over the issue than the risk to community health…

VOTERS, remember names and be sure to vote against those who poison you.

So, what happens next?.…well, this blog gets sent to the AAA, the AARP, Bestplaces.com and all those other sites which trick people into coming here to be poisoned. Then we contact them to see where they got their information (call it lies) as regards the air purity here. We will report our findings.

Up until January 29, 2015, the County did not find it necessary to provide information concerning poor air quality. A particularly nasty day made local headlines on November 20, two days after the center city crematorium filled the two blocks surrounding the public library with noxious fumes. The thermal waves carrying the putrid smell could be seem emanating from the chimney of the funeral parlor – which is located in the center of the most populated area (duh) and in breathing distance of Central Washington University. How many parents are paying to have children come here to absorb carcinogens which may not form cancer cells until years after they graduate?

This kind of hiding from the government is unhealthy. It is as unhealthy as Vantage Highway, where reports of people incapacitated by breathing problems are reported weekly, if not every other day, in the Record. When the writer moved to the Burg, he developed a breathing problem after a month or so. Every morning, he woke feeling fine and, as soon as he opened his windows or stepped outside(into the air), developed a hacking cough that took hours to clear each morning. He stupidly attributed it to ‘hay fever’ and pollen from the world famous Timothy Hay grown here.

Speaking of the hay…it is shipped around the world because it is reckoned to be the best. Do the buyers know that it is steeped in fine particle pollution throughout the entire growing cycle? What does the fine particulate pollution do to the livestock it is fed to, way down the line?

So here in Kittitas, business is more important than people…and they admit it in the newspaper. You have to credit them for that much…but the tourist magazines need to hear about it for any action to occur, it would seem – talk about the Power of the Press!

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How We Lose More Rights By The Day – DEA Runs Marinol Ad On Website!!!

     I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, (under God?)indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

     Remember that hackneyed, old poem? When I was a child, fresh-faced with hair combed in place, I held hand to heart and recited it in reverence and belief. I wonder if children still say it in school? Might as well get them used to the lies early in life.

      A fact is that we are no longer ‘one nation…indivisible…with liberty and justice for all.’  A fact is, you can put as much stock in the narrative intro which ran before the Superman tv show starring George Reeves, who supposedly killed himself…

     strange visitor from another planet who came to Earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men. Superman – who can change the course of mighty rivers, bend steel with his bare hands, and who, disguised as Clark Kent, mild mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper, fights the never ending battle for Truth, Justice and the American Way.

     One is as believeable as the other to a child. Adults do not seem to consider the Pledge of Allegiance anymore. It makes no sense. We are a nation divided by racism, class privilege, poverty, establishment of dictatorship, censored news media and autocracy. We, Gentle Readers, if you will kindly plug your ears, are fucked.

     Why do we act as a nation of numbskulls and play into this eventual demise of all that was good about America (notice we used upper case this time because we wrote of the old, real America)? Why do we not question opposing news reports? Why do we allow the big-pharma complex to pay millions of dollars a month, every month to buy the opinions of elected officials. Didn’t we elect the officials to watch over our interests, rather than lining their pockets with blood money as constituents are buggered by their own media-instilled apathy?

     Take the furor over the medical marijuana laws. The Constitution of the United States, according to Article VII, Section II, states, in its entirety, that The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States. According to our original Constitution, if one state has legal pot, all states have it. So much for that.

     Many savvy-to-themselves types refer to the current ‘marijuana prohibition’. That is an idiotic phrase, if ever one existed. Alcohol prohibition was an issue which went through the Congress and was passed and ratified and became the 18th Amendment to their (no longer ‘Our’) Constitution. Marijuana is not covered in the constitution. It was a pet project of a blatant racist, Harry Anslinger, who used it as nothing more than a way to play on race hysteria and advance his own agenda to become a fat, greedy son of a bitch and not a nice person.

     The fact that some states currently allow marijuana to be legal, for whatever reason, is a shot vollied at your own flag, if we are to take the Pledge Of Allegiance to be true. Otherwise, it is simply one more tool to brainwash children while their brains are still supple. The states are not equal. Worse, still, as we often crow about in this blog, since medical marijuana is legal in the capitol of this nation, all the lobbyists, congressmen, senators and governors with a brick and mortar DC address on a piece of letterhead can purchase high grade marijuana any time they wish, seven days a week.

     They do this while fighting to keep common citizens, as we hope our Gentle Readers understand, from having it and enjoying the same privilege as they have themselves, in direct conflict to the laws put forth in the aforementioned document.

     Today is January 2, 2010. We at CFYSA like that, because it was on January 2, just nine years ago today, that our fearless leader, Mr Hendrick, was wheeled into the operating room to have 20 years worth of cancerous growth removed. At the time, he had been given a maximum of 18 months to live. He went to the wonderful Cancer Centers of America, the friendly caregivers we have all seen in the tv adverts who truly understand, to get a second opinion and they also concurred on the death of our Beloved Scribe – within months.

     Your Beloved Scribe does not listen to garbage, as does 95% of the media-fed american public. He refused to die. He broke the law in order to stay alive and it worked. The law which got broken was the one which makes smoking pot illegal.

     Why would the american government fight so hard to keep a harmless plant, indeed a wonderful healing plant, something which we can end up behind bars for? A recent visit to the DEA website showed an image of a Marinol, a synthetic cannibinoid meant to replace marijuana in clinical settings. Marinol is produced by Solvay Pharmaceuticals of Belgium.

     Nobody seems to wonder why our elected officials were paid, yearly, $85,000 by representatives of Solvay. The democrats only got $25,000 while republicans got $60,000. This was usually doled out in parcels, like individual payments of $5000 to each elected individual who they bought buying off.

     Nobody seems to question why a Belgian drug company rates the status of PAC (Political Action Committee) in this country and is thereby given the power to distribute funds as they see fit. Does that explain why the DEA is advertising for Marinol? Do the math, so to speak. Think for yourself. Why would the DEA advertise a drug? It is illegal.

     Or how about this nugget, upturned from the fetid soil of this land recently – recently,  an order was issued from Obama’s hireling that no more than one billion dollars can be spent to eradicate the presence of synthetic cannibinoids. One Billion Dollars? It is insane that marijuana itself is not regulated, taxed and sold so that the economy misses out on about $42 billion a year in taxes, not to mention the costs spent on prosecution and incarceration. Spending another billion to get rid of ‘fake’ pot, which is comprised of unknown ingredients, is maddening.

     The fake marijuana, which can really help with problems caused by chemotherapy, was kept on the shelf next to the chewing tobacco, which caused cancer, brown teeth and gums, a mild form or retardation and a shortened lifespan. The chaw is still there, used mostly by teens.

     Does all this make sense to you? If it does, you must be on the payroll!

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